Reclaiming and reaffirming education starts here.

In the Jabal Mohsen neighborhood of Tripoli, Lebanon, refugees and residents who have seen recent conflict worked together to sign up for the Article 26 Backpack in September. This tool uses face-to-face counseling and cloud-based technology to help refugees document and share their educational accomplishments. Article 26 Backpack, a part of Global Affairs at UC Davis, is named for the article that established the right to education in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 70 years ago. An international consortium behind the project is led by Keith David Watenpaugh, professor and director of human rights studies at UC Davis.  He said the tool will help refugees overcome significant impediments to re-entering academic life or applying for employment — from problems accessing their own documents to transferring their credentials.

Watch the video for more.

Left to right: Badriyeh Mohamad Diab helps Aicha Mohammad Haarosh and Aya Samir Mouhammad sign up for the Article 26 Backpack.